For many of us, it is second nature to know how to turn on a computer and understand how to use a mouse. But, for many of our students, this is a foreign concept. At Literacy Action, we believe technology is a vital part of our society and often times a requirement for job applications and functions. Without basic computer skills, our students have a great disadvantage, especially during these tough economic times.
Thanks to a capital grant, Literacy Action has been able to provide a state of the art computer lab to better assist our students. The new lab will allow us to conduct the GAIN test, which provides us with the knowledge we need to better educate our students. In addition, it provides them with the extra computer education upon entry into our program. With a larger room that allows for more teacher/student interaction, new computers, upgraded software, projectors and screens, our students will be able to receive the hands on instruction they need to thrive in a technology based society.
We are thrilled to open the new computer lab and continue to help our students become computer literate!
Stay tuned for more pictures showcasing our students in the new lab!!