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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Literacy Action, Inc. Meets With First Lady of Georgia, Sandra Deal

Pictured Right to Left:  Karen Webster Parks, Jim Rodgers, First Lady Sandra Deal,
Kristin Gray, Chris Miller, Dave Peterson

On May 9, 2011, Literacy Action staff and trustees had the opportunity to sit down with First Lady of Georgia, Sandra Deal, to start the conversation on the epidemic known as adult literacy.  President and CEO, Karen Webster Parks; Trustees Chris Miller, Dave Peterson, Jim Rodgers; and Development Associate Kristin Gray spent part of the afternoon with Mrs. Deal at the Governor's Mansion in Atlanta.

Pictured Right to Left: Karen Webster Parks, Chris Miller,
First Lady Sandra Deal, Dave Peterson
As a former educator and strong literacy advocate, Mrs. Deal took the time to hear the statistics on adult illiteracy in Georgia and to understand what Literacy Action is doing to combat the ever growing number of undereducated adults.  Having a personal experience with an illiterate adult, she understands the need for literacy programs to better not only individuals, but society as a whole.  Literacy is truly at the core of all social ills, from incarceration to poverty, and for Mrs. Deal 'literacy is key to solving Georgia's problems.'  

Pictured Right to Left:  Jim Rodgers, Dave Peterson, Chris Miller, First Lady Sandra Deal

Ever the gracious host, Mrs. Deal spent well over an hour speaking with the Literacy Action group and gave an impromptu tour of the Governor's Mansion.  We are grateful to have Mrs. Deal as a leading advocate for adult literacy and programs, like Literacy Action, that provide adults with the life and work skills that empower them to reach their potential as self-sufficient individuals, parents, employees and citizens.

Pictured Right to Left:  Jim Rodgers, Karen Webster Parks, Dave Peterson